Monday, June 20, 2011

On Love, Forgiveness, & Happiness

I love the way God works. He knows there are times that I am kind of overwhelmed by some of his teachings, especially when they don't seem to make sense, or appear self-contradictory, but one thing continues to amaze me - how he is able to use instruments to remind us that His love for us is immense. Just when I am about to lose faith, He sends someone to remind me to look deeper, to stop overanalyzing things and to just trust what is inside my heart - that He loves me and would not give me challenges that I cannot handle. This vessel of enlightenment was in the form of a human priest. This priest reminded me of the basic lessons in life that matter the most - love, forgiveness and happiness. These are the things that we tend to overlook because they are too mundane and can sometimes be overrated cliches. 

So what were the things that I learned - or rather, relearned?
  • HAPPINESS is a CHOICE and a SKILL that is meant to be SHARED. Choose to be happy by choosing to positively react to the same situation that an unhappy person would react to negatively. Learn how to be happy by changing your perspectives and by sharing your happiness.
  • We CANNOT change people, but we can always change OURSELVES. If a person gets in your nerves or has a habit that is annoying to you, don't wait for that person to change, because he or she may never do so. Instead, change the way you see that person. Acceptance is the key. 
  • MONEY is NOT always EVIL. It is what you do with money and what money can make you do that could be potentially evil. If you have money, be grateful for it and never waste it, because a lot are wishing they had that. If you do not have it yet, work hard. After all, God provides things for our enjoyment.
  • In conflicts, it is NOT about the person, the work or the problem. It is about you, your attitudes towards and how you deal with the person, the work or the problem. 
  • GOD LISTENS to our prayers and HE ANSWERS at the perfect time. If you've been praying and haven't been getting any "answers," be patient and look around you. Sometimes the answer may be in another form other than the one you specifically asked for. If still you feel He's been ignoring you, perhaps what you were asking for is not good for you - He has something better in store for you. Have faith, believe and soon enough you will get what is meant for you.
  • HE who ANGERS you, CONTROLS you. And none of us wants to be controlled and manipulated so keep your cool and see the bigger picture. Take those precious two minutes to be rational and analyze the situation. Anger is often unreasonable and causes us to sin. Often the things we say and do when we are angry cannot be unsaid and undone. 
  • When we FORGIVE, we FREE OURSELVES from the burden. Holding a grudge against someone is like punishing ourselves - we subject ourselves to carry the burden of getting hurt, getting angry, and committing sins along the way. Forgiving DOES NOT mean forgetting, does not mean going back to normal and does not mean the offender will not be punished. Forgiving is choosing to be happy. Forgive, let go and let God.  
  • LOVING YOURSELF allows you to LOVE OTHERS, EXIST for others, and BE for others. One can't give what one does not have. You can only give love if you have it.
  • HAKUNA MATA! "No worries for the rest of your days," is the battle cry of the two happiest animals in the world, Timon and Pumba. We will never run out of things to worry about so take every challenge as an opportunity to grow and be better versions of ourselves. Most of all, have faith. In the words of Saul or St. Paul, "God is faithful. He will not abandon you and allow you to be tried beyond your ability. He provides you a way out so you can stand up."
  • PROBLEMS hidden underneath will remain a problem unless we confront them and find solutions for them. Do something different if you want different results. 
  • The SECRET to HAPPINESS is that there is NO SECRET - you just choose it. It would be the happy people who will change the world and make it a better place.

Indeed, there is no stopping us from choosing to be happy, and making  other people happy. Of ten the reason why we get angry is because of our negative thoughts and our feeling of being disrespected. When we are angry, we usually refuse to listen and refuse to see the bigger picture. I challenge everyone now to join me in this voyage towards happiness. True, many of the items are easier said than done, but usually once we learn the skills needed to be truly loving and happy, love and happiness would usually come naturally. After all, I would like to believe that humans are, by nature, good. So let us beckon and nurture this natural goodness in each of us so that we can be happy people and make this world a better place. :)

1 comment:

  1. hi, sammie! :)
    hope you're enjoying worries..i'm with you all the way on your journey towards a happier you and a happier world..
    mwaah! ^_^
    (btw, it says here you posted this at 4:52 am..couldn't sleep then? hehe)
