Saturday, September 1, 2012

musings on failure and failing

two things i learned last night:

  1. failure is a state of mind, ergo,
  2. it's okay to fail.
for the past week i've stressed myself enough to feel psychosomatic symptoms because the prospect of failing in one of the most important (if not the most important) aspects of life is so, so close that i could feel it staring so coldly right at me. 

if i'll fail, this would be the very first time i'd fail. but what sucks is i really did give it my best shot and it hurts to know that at this point, my best is not good enough. the other aspects of my life are not at their rosiest as well. i noticed they seem to have this ripple effect that if one screws up, all the rest gets affected. sometimes i can't also help but think whether i bit off more than i can chew. but apparently, these hindsight thoughts are useless since i'm already at this point, and i've risked too much that turning back is no longer an option. i've never been a quitter, too. whiner, yes, definitely, but never a quitter. 

the best advice i was told was that there is no such thing as failure. it is only a state of mind created by people who have not realized that every set back is but a mere learning experience. i should only be sorry for myself if i am unable to learn from the experience of falling. sometimes a fall is necessary for us to realize that we are walking the wrong path, or running too fast that we forget to enjoy the journey. after all, life is not just about the what's and the when's but more importantly, about they how's. it's not the destination but how you got there that matters. therefore, it's okay to stumble and fall--we are all entitled to that. and after the epic fall, we rise again and continue our journey--better and more learned.  

i guess all i need is to remind myself this--constantly. ergo this blog entry. :)

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